Zumba® Jammer (ZJ)
Zumba® Jammer, Zumba® Fitness'a üye olan Zumba® eğitmenleri (ZIN™) için özel koreografi dersi verir. Bu derslere katılmak için ZIN üyeliği mecburidir. Ayrıntılı bilgi için aşağıdaki İngilizce açıklamayı okuyabilirsiniz.
The ZIN Jam™ program consists of ZIN Jam sessions led by a licensed Zumba® Jammer (ZJ) for the purpose of providing ZIN™ Members with new choreography routines to integrate into their Zumba classes. A ZIN Member-only benefit, the ZIN Jam program is the officially authorized program, sanctioned by Zumba Fitness, LLC for all choreography jams and sessions related to the Zumba program.
A ZIN Jam session, led by a licensed Zumba Jammer, allows ZIN Members to learn several new choreography routines and network with local ZIN Members. A maximum of 30 ZIN Members per session allows for one-on-one interaction and personal feedback.
A Zumba Jammer (ZJ) is a ZIN Member who specializes in Zumba choreography and has been officially selected and licensed by Zumba Fitness, LLC to lead ZIN Jam sessions. Only licensed Zumba Jammers may lead a ZIN Jam session. A ZIN Jam session is a 3 hour session in which ZJs teach ZIN members 4-5 complete Zumba Choreography routines they can incorporate in their class right away. These sessions are exclusively for ZIN Members.